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By James on August 5, 2021

Baja Fly Fishing Report - Summer Season 2021

So far, 2021 has been a year of growth and abundance for Fly Fish Mex and we are grateful to all of the guests who fished with us and our loyal team of guides who worked hard to provide incredible and safe experiences to our visitors. May through July was our first time back in operation since the global pandemic shutdown, and it was incredibly busy! Much due to guests cashing in on their cancelled 2020 trips due to Covid and a mad rush of last minute reservations from newly vaccinated anglers anxious to travel and fish, again. We anticipated fishing would be good after a year practically void of angling pressure, and it did not disappoint. Those fortunate enough to make the journey to fl fish in Baja were rewarded with great conditions, and stellar fishing, all season long. Just as we had hoped the fish were well rested, bountiful, and eager to eat.

The roosterfish bite was strong with some grande-sized (60+ pound) fish caught each week and consistent action on fish in the 20-30 pound class throughout the season. Several guests got what they asked for and found some massive fish that tested their will and making a few begging for mercy. Once those grandes find open blue water, get ready for a long heavy battle! Our guides commented that many anglers adopted a "one is enough" mantra regarding big roosters and quickly found that casting to 20-30 pound fish was a much lighter workout than exclusively targeting the big bruisers.

Needle fish were a challenge, but that's the case most of the time for these fish. Jacks were plentiful and added some great action to the melee, and in some cases saved the day when fishing was tough.

The true highlight, and much welcomed surprise, of the season was the crazy good marlin bite that started late May and continued on through July. The apex of the marlin action came in mid June and coincided perfectly with a Yellow Dog Family hosted trip who took full advantage of the prime conditions for fishing this awesome species to target on the fly. The group landed sailfish and marlin on a regular basis and at times the bite was so hot doubles were standard fare. The billfish were 60-80 pounds and perfect size for landing them on a fly rod quickly and safely. Most fish were teased in for a bait and switch with a fly, but several anglers managed to get marlin to eat sight casted sardine flies, on 20 pound leader! The majority of the action was all within close range of the lodge, sometimes inside of 200 meters from shore.

Dorado were another pleasant surprise and the supporting cast for hot fish of the season. Their were never quite enough of them around to target them exclusively but opportunities at fish were regular and frequent. Toward the end of July dorado fishing picked up at its normal pace as the fish congregated around buoys and other floating structure so that we could target them with more consistency.

Tuna were hit or miss throughout the season making an appearance for a few days every few weeks, and then disappear without notice. At times our best action was tuna in the 20-30 range. We expect a more solid showing of tuna in the fall season so the best fishing for this species is yet to come.

New for this season we added several lodge based activities for guests who want to take a day off from fishing or non-angling traveling companions wanting to get the most our of their experience off the water. Our guests enjoyed group yoga sessions, Mexican cooking classes, various active water-sports, and horseback riding on the beach.

Again, a huge thank you to all the guests who journeyed down to fish with us so this season! Our fall season (September-October) is just weeks away and there's still opportunity to get in on the action. If you are interested in booking for September or October 2021 dates, contact us or view availability here.

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