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By James on June 22, 2015

2015 Baja Spring Fishing Report

Fishing is always good in Baja, you just have to adapt to what’s hot. The 2015 spring season was hampered by late winds and cold water. Bait was available, though not plentiful or large in size. The combination of these two things worked against the normal May-June fishery of roosterfish and dorado, but presented opportunities at species that normally would not be seen this time of year. The trick was to be versatile enough to change your target species and accept the hand nature has dealt. This is the wahoo year, they are everywhere; offshore, inshore, at the buoys off the beaches, you name it. We also saw numerous other colder water species like Sierra and Bonita hanging around in what would normally be outside their seasonal range. There were roosterfish in the area, but colder water temps made them sluggish and hard to turn on. For roosterfish, the best shots came from the beaches after the pangas went home. Cooler water had cold water species in the area all the way into June until Hurricane Blanco rolled through and shuffled the deck.  Temps, post-hurricane have risen slightly and what we usually see in May is just starting to develop. You just can’t guess what Mother Nature will do, she’s a fickle bitch. Storms continue to build and head towards the Baja earlier than previously seen. With each storm, conditions change and bait can appear, and with it, a whole new set of species.

I'm looking forward to October which has been a more stable month for weather and water conditions in the last couple years.

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